MetroiPat- The SupaPat Version

Today we will look at probably the first touch screen Pat, that is the metroiPat which is mostly sold as a SupaPat, this sits in the $5000-6000 bracket ( in SupaPat format )

First a bit of background, this product is supplied by Metrotest who have a very long history when it comes to Pat testers.
Most of the Pat is built in Poland but some of it is manufactured in NZ, we will look at what Metrotest call the SupaPat version of this Pat.
The ( i ) in the name stands for intelligent, this intelligent Pat does have some fairly unique features which we will go through and decide on.

As supplied by Metrotest in the SupaPat version this Pat has an inbuilt thermal transfer printer which in itself is unique.
It is marketed as a ‘ real safety testing Pat ‘ and when you look at it closely we think they are right, it tests for safety not just compliance and has unique onboard safety warnings.

The Pat can be operated in various modes but the real gain is when its used in what we’ll call ‘security mode’ they call it auto test, anyhow this is the mode that gauantees the integrity of results like no other Pat we’ve seen, it then Prints this code onto the tag.

It is supplied in a tough ABS type case that is then further protected by high density foam all this being incased in a high vis bright safety orange vinyl carry bag, this makes the tester really ‘plug and play’
Inputting of data and all controls accept start and stop ( safety reasons ) are done via the large onboard color touch screen.

Alternatively data may be entered via a 2D scanner, it is claimed up to 1million records can be stored on board ( why you would store that many records we don’t know )

This Pat is very much an unknown in Australia as it was never marketed here, but in NZ it appears to of sold reasonably well.
One thing that seems a little surprising to us is that its not designed to run on batteries in any situation.

We’ve had to examine and try this Pat extensively due to its claims to see whether it lives up to its claims so we will give you lots more about it but first let’s look at what it can do.

Tests Performed

Protective Earth Test
This test can be performed at multiple current settings from 200 miiliamps right up to 25 Amps.

Insulation Resistance Test
This can be performed at 50/250 and 500 Volts

Leakage Testing
Leakage tests include differential, touch, PE leakage and leakage via accessorise clamp.

Lead Testing
As normal but any number of individual tests can be done and results stored for each test ( eg 17 earth tests on a power board or more !)

RCD testing
All portable and fixed RCDs can be tested at various settings including a ramp test and trip times and currents stored/printed at 0 or 180 degrees.

Other Features

These are numerous so this will take some time, however, we will just stick to the ones we consider unique.
The onboard printing system can be used to give the user four different color systems from one roll of tags ( no need to change roll) we haven’t seen this before.
Tags can have as much data as selected as printed tags are continuous in nature and automatically cut to length.
Two tags can be printed and records stored ie a tag for a detachable lead and one for the appliance, failed tags are the most obvious we’ve seen, ( often when folded they aren’t really distinguishable from a pass tag ) also the reason for failure is highlighted automatically onto the tag.
Multiple different selectable standards can be auto printed onto the tag eg ASNZS 3760 /ASNZS 3012 or ASNZS 5561 etc.

Perhaps the most important from a safety and security point of view is the ‘locked in test settings’ this means no one can accidentally or purposely effect the integrity of the results.
Something else we found interesting is that you can use the tester for other uses eg warrant of fitness for a ladder or harness or anything really, the MetroiPats we think will be well worth keeping an eye on as they seem to be a little ahead of the pack without gimmicks !

In summary we haven’t seen many in Australia yet but believe a big shipment of a latter version has been sold here.
They are a very quick Pat packed with extra features that are all worthwhile, the only two negatives we have is they aren’t small but then again they aren’t massive or really heavy either, we do also wonder why no battery operation.

Well let’s see how they stack up when it comes to the big three questions.

Q Does it enable the testing person to comply with ASNZS 3760 ?
A yes completely

Q Is it a safety tester or compliance-only tester?
Based on our criterion this definitely is a safety tester

Q Value for money?
A Compared to other competing Pat’s this we consider is excellent value for money

Happy Testing

The Pat Review team

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